City Office REITCIO
Market Cap: $251M
About: City Office REIT Inc is a real estate investment trust. It is focused on acquiring, owning, and operating high-quality office properties located predominantly in Sun Belt markets. The principal objective of the company is to provide attractive risk-adjusted returns to its investors over the long-term through a combination of dividends and capital appreciation. The company owns office buildings in the metropolitan areas of Dallas, Denver, Orlando, Phoenix, Portland, Raleigh, San Diego, Seattle, and Tampa.
Employees: 20
Fund manager confidence
Based on 2024 Q2 SEC filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)
26% more repeat investments, than reductions
Existing positions increased: 44 | Existing positions reduced: 35
2% less funds holding
Funds holding: 126 [Q1] → 124 (-2) [Q2]
2.17% less ownership
Funds ownership: 67.31% [Q1] → 65.14% (-2.17%) [Q2]
8% less capital invested
Capital invested by funds: $141M [Q1] → $130M (-$10.6M) [Q2]
12% less first-time investments, than exits
New positions opened: 15 | Existing positions closed: 17
74% less call options, than puts
Call options by funds: $362K | Put options by funds: $1.39M
100% less funds holding in top 10
Funds holding in top 10: 1 [Q1] → 0 (-1) [Q2]
Research analyst outlook
We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for CIO.