CCEL stock icon

Cryo-Cell International


Market Cap: $52.6M


About: Cryo-Cell International Inc is engaged in cellular processing and cryogenic storage. The company is organized into three reportable segments namely cellular processing and cryogenic storage, with a focus on the collection and preservation of umbilical cord blood and tissue stem cells for family use and the manufacturing of PrepaCyte CB units segment, which is a processing technology used to process umbilical cord blood stem cells. The Public cord blood banking segment consists of cellular processing and cryogenic storage of umbilical cord blood stem cells for public use. The company generates maximum revenue from cellular processing and cryogenic storage and it derives revenue from processing and testing fees and storage segment.

Employees: 88

Funds holding %
of 6,710 funds
Analysts bullish %

Fund manager confidence

Based on 2024 Q2 SEC filings by fund managers ($100M+ AUM)

0% more funds holding

Funds holding: 14 [Q1] → 14 (+0) [Q2]

0% more funds holding in top 10

Funds holding in top 10: 1 [Q1] → 1 (+0) [Q2]

0% more first-time investments, than exits

New positions opened: 1 | Existing positions closed: 1

0% more repeat investments, than reductions

Existing positions increased: 4 | Existing positions reduced: 4

4.42% less ownership

Funds ownership: 15.49% [Q1] → 11.07% (-4.42%) [Q2]

29% less capital invested

Capital invested by funds: $9.58M [Q1] → $6.82M (-$2.76M) [Q2]

Research analyst outlook

We haven’t received any recent analyst ratings for CCEL.

Financial journalist opinion